our work
These are some examples of some of our proudest contributions to regional, rural, remote and Indigenous community led development, so far…
litigation, appeals, and review applications | Indigenous land management
Whilst working with a remote Indigenous Council, we successfully developed and launched on the Council's behalf, two test cases against the State Government in Queensland seeking grant of perpetual leases to local Torres Strait Islanders which had remained pending since the 1980's. The two test case applicants were both successful in the Land Court of Queensland, and on appeal by the State Government in the Supreme Court of Queensland. The test cases set a precedent for grant of over 200+ pending perpetual leasehold interests in the Torres Strait.
Feel free to read the judgements at:
community engagement - community safety plans
Funded by the Queensland Government, culturev8 was engaged by various remote Indigenous Local Governments to prepare their Community Safety Plans (CSP). Following extensive community engagement with community residents and stakeholders, an action plan was developed by us which detailed each Council's response to community safety concerns to feed into future regional strategic planning and budgets.
Example available at:
negotiations | contracts | Indigenous land management
- Whilst working with an Indigenous Local Government, we assisted them to successfully negotiate the first ever Torres Strait Deed of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) land transfers in freehold from the local Council, back to Native Title Traditional Owners. The DOGIT transfers complemented determination of Native Title in each community (Badu and Mer Islands).
- We also designed, and negotiated, regional Indigenous Land Use Agreements (by Island) between the State and Federal Governments, 15 Native Title representative bodies, local Councils and stakeholders, to formalise a new Native Title compensation formula for future infrastructure proposals in the Torres Strait. This allowed proponents of future infrastructure projects to budget upfront, the cost of fairly compensating Traditional Owners for temporary use of their land.
Government lobbying, advocacy and deputations | program development, delivery and review
- Whilst working with an Indigenous Local Government, we assisted them to successfully lobby for State and Federal co-funding ($25M), managed all statutory approvals and compliance (Native Title, cultural heritage, and State government development approvals), arranged sub-contract tenders, procurement and probity, and oversaw the delivery of the Torres Strait Seawall project in the Torres Strait.
- We also assisted the Council to successfully lobby the State and Federal Governments on key campaign issues, with the Council achieving in a single calendar year:
- State funding for a pilot Boundary Mapping Program to map all Traditional Owner-lands for awareness in future Indigenous land management planning;
- State Government Financial Aid to Local Government indexed;
- Federal Financial Assistance Grant to Local Government indexed;
- State Government locals flight subsidy (Local Fare Scheme) extended for 2 years;
- Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS) funding expanded by $30M;
- $51M allocated to the local Council under a new Indigenous Council’s Critical Infrastructure Program to improve water, wastewater and solid waste infrastructure.
- State Government Works for Queensland Program extended for further 2 years at a benefit of $2.73M to the local Council;
- Federal Government contribution of $515,000 for a Helicopter Subsidy Program for Ugar Island in our electorate;
- New Primary Health Care Centre announced for Mer Island in our electorate; and
- Local Government Building Services Unit being named preferred supplier for all Government housing.
strategic planning/ economic development
Working with a Far North Queensland-based Local Government, we assisted the transition of a large cattle (beef) enterprise to Council following the liquidation of a former cattle company in the region. This involved the formal transition of over 10,000 head of quality cattle (including transfer of 4 brands and earmarks, national accreditations, and registration as a Registered Biosecurity Entity, renewal of two (2) pastoral leases for land tenure, as well as engagement with common law holders of Native Title with respect to use of Aboriginal Land. We also assisted in the compliant Tender of an initial sustainable Muster of the cattle, along with engagement of Independent Industry Experts to inform the process. The aim was to maintain a profitable community Indigenous enterprise in the region for the benefit of future generations.
community partnerships, engagement and consultation | change management
Working with a remote Indigenous Council, we successfully designed a communications strategy and negotiated a successful Enterprise Bargaining Agreement/ Certified Agreement with over 300 remote staff with a 97.4% 'YES' vote, with a historic 80% of remote staff voting, over a period of less than 3 months, start to finish. Unions were engaged and consulted as part of this process.
community partnerships, engagement and consultation | tenders and grant-writing
Working with a community service provider in the employment services industry across Queensland and the Northern Territory, Dr McLaughlin assisted them to successfully negotiate community partnerships with Indigenous-owned organisations, with the partnerships successfully jointly tendering for major government contracts.
community partnerships, engagement and consultation | facilitation
Independent facilitation and legal advice provided to the Eastern Kuku Yalanji People traditional owner negotiating committee (TONC) to enable the transfer of over 144,000 hectares of Aboriginal land (much of which is national park) in Far North Queensland, back to traditional owner management in conjunction with the Queensland Government.
our testimonials
Special thanks to these people who have kindly agreed to provide testimonial: